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But I Love Him!

How do you see through the love to take an honest look at your relationship?

What About The Girl I Used To Be? When Do I Get Her Back?

How do you connect the pieces to find your way back to the person you were before the abuse?

Warning Signs of Abusive Behavior

How can you identify an abuser before it’s too late?

Am I In An Abusive Relationship?

Something doesn’t feel right, but how do I know if this is normal or not?

How Do I Get Out?

Realizing that you are in an abusive relationship is the first step…now what?

Eleven Examples of Abusive Behavior

Your partner:
  1. Hits you, punches you, pushes you, kicks you, bites you, slaps you, scratches you, or does any other action that inflicts pain onto you.
  2. Threatens to do any of these things.
  3. Says that he/she will kill themselves if you leave.
  4. Tells you that if they can't be with you, then no one can. 
  5. Makes you feel stupid in front of other people.
  6. Calls you things like "slut, whore, bitch, stupid, fat, tramp,  ugly, dumb, etc...."
  7. Has to know where you are at all times, who you are with and what you are doing.
  8. Calls you over and over and over and over and over and over until you answer.
  9. Lies to you like it's nothing.
  10. Threatens to hurt your family or friends.
  11. Encourages you not to have any other friends. 

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